Friday, March 19


Sooo, remember when I posted a bunch of pictures of myself doing cartwheels and leaps on a beach in addition to making an entire header out of said pictures? Well, I'm kind of addicted to them. I mean, those could very well be some of my favorite pictures of myself. ever. and I have a lot of favorites. It kind of comes with the obsessed-with-taking-pictures-of-oneself territory.

W-ell-ell. When my friend Britt & I were meeting up with friends in Savannah, we had a mini-vacation at my mom's house since she lives near by and I took Britt to that very same beach and took pictures of her. which is much more socially acceptable than vainly posing in front of a ten second timer. Needless to say, I have skills and the pictures were really cute. She is so lucky that I am incapable of living without a camera in hand.

PERFECT! (and candid)


  1. Haha, according to my mom, that last photo is "very un-ladylike". It is now my favorite. :) Thanks again for being such an amazing photographer!

  2. ha! she's obviously just jealous. that's right, i said it.
