Tuesday, March 30

the wine walk date

after working three doubles in a row at work
i was greatly looking forward to monday
and what a monday it was!
nicholas&i had a date night
that was so fun

i took 207 pictures throughout the evening...
...and picked out my very favorites to share

 first, nicholas made delicious pizza
ingredients: fresh mozzarella, feta, olives,
roasted red peppers, broccoli

while nicholas cooked...

 i drank wine.
the epitome of teamwork

i repeat, it was delicious!

next, nicholas pulled out his air-soft gun

i got to shoot it @ Coca-Cola cans suspended in a tree

and impressed myself with my sharp aim


afterwards we went on a wine walk
around his neighborhood...

and made funny faces
i don't know why he loves me

eventually we stopped to chat by the pond

and saw pretty skies


and animals

then i played in a sand trap
nicholas made me rake away my footprints

it started to rain a little
so we headed back to his house

on the way, we decided we want to buy this property
and build a tree house to party in
[that looks just like the german house next door]

lastly, we watched The Office while eating ice cream
and went to sleep

the next morning nicholas made calzones
with all the leftover pizza ingredients

best. date. ever.

Wednesday, March 24


I taught a kickass lesson on the four seasons to a class of kindergarteners this morning.
Teaching a good lesson feels so rewarding&empowering.
It was a great confidence&mood boost!
Just going to bask in my success for another few minutes.
If for some crazy reason you'd like to hear the specifics,
feel free to check out my education observation blog, here:

Tuesday, March 23

i love spring!

I have the prettiest backyard evereverever.
Don't believe me?
See for yourself.

Monday, March 22

wasted days

The time of year that I stop endlessly craving warm beverages
and instead long for frozen desserts to keep cool in the evenings
like chocolate covered bananas & real fruit lime-flavored popsicles
not to mention the blooming flowers & patio lunches
it's all the raiiin and eye-itch inducing pollen I could do without

oh, p.s. I spent my entire day watching America's Next Top Model
those marathons are just so addictive
but I had 2350.67099 other school-related things to do
none of which are now crossed off my to-do list
which raises the question: how in the hell do normal people focus and study??

Friday, March 19


Sooo, remember when I posted a bunch of pictures of myself doing cartwheels and leaps on a beach in addition to making an entire header out of said pictures? Well, I'm kind of addicted to them. I mean, those could very well be some of my favorite pictures of myself. ever. and I have a lot of favorites. It kind of comes with the obsessed-with-taking-pictures-of-oneself territory.

W-ell-ell. When my friend Britt & I were meeting up with friends in Savannah, we had a mini-vacation at my mom's house since she lives near by and I took Britt to that very same beach and took pictures of her. which is much more socially acceptable than vainly posing in front of a ten second timer. Needless to say, I have skills and the pictures were really cute. She is so lucky that I am incapable of living without a camera in hand.

PERFECT! (and candid)

Wednesday, March 17

Lucky Charms

Happy St. Patrick's Day, everyone!

I'm still sick so the only thing I'll be drinking tonight is Nyquil.

I'll also be chugging copious amounts of green tea in your honor.

So, Cheers!

p.s. Don't forget to catch a leprechaun and find their gold at the end of a rainbow tonight...

Tuesday, March 16


Though it's not quite St. Patrick's Day yet, some friends and I were able to celebrate in Savannah, Georgia this past Saturday. My favorite part? Wearing a green, feathery boa all day! Totally rocking it again tomorrow, when I go out for some more green drinks. Cheers!

Sunday, March 14

my new calling in life

last week my best friend & I
went to Bottles 'n Brushes
for an art class on how to paint
and thiiis my friends,
is how it turned out:

I was so impressed with myself!

to see their monthly calendars/locations, check out:

Sunday, March 7

How To: Keep Your Man in Line

My boyfriend went out of town for 3 days...
came home and within an hour we had an argument
I expressed my thoughts...
he admitted I was right
and the next day I found these on my bed
when I got home from work:

...and that's how it's done, ladies!

Tuesday, March 2

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Well, after manymany months of contemplating a haircut I finally decided to go through with it.

I decided that March was going to be time to push a "refresh" button on what has become my life. Hence why I finally got the courage to change my hair. In addition, this month I have also decided to make these changes:
  • Become a Vegetarian.
  • Start the p90x workout program.
  • Start cooking for myself.
  • Wear the leather jacket I got for Christmas.
  • Whiten my teeth.
  • Take an inspiring picture every day.