Saturday, March 31

favorite moment of the week

 last night (just before seeing the Hunger Games), i was telling a girlfriend about a ridiculous incident that occured this week and as i told it, i realized it was my favorite moment of the week. you see, i have always had a special love of sitting on kitchen counters. so, there i was talking to nicholas in the kitchen (sitting on the counter), when i decided to grab some nail clippers to take care of a possible ingrown. anyways, next thing you know, i'm trimming my toenails onto the floor when nicholas says, "samannnnttthhhaa..." uhhhh, what? as i consciously realized what i was doing (is cutting toenails on kitchen counters not normal behavior?) he just laughed, gave me a kiss, and said, "i love you!" and that my friends, is yet another reason why i know this relationship is meant to last. the end.

Saturday, March 17

st patrick's day

five points - columbia with my sister.
a fun time drinking bud light lime, watching crossfade, stealing koozies from back pockets, skinning my knee from falling (my sister tried stopping the blood with my boa, until a nice stranger gave me a band-aid from her purse), dealing with uncooperative cell phone signals, dancing the cupid shuffle, and being the weird drunk girl crying in a bar for 10 minutes (nicholas GOT THE JOB and my excitement could not be contained)!

Sunday, February 12

second sunday - tazikis

in a nutshell: i love lunch but hate cold weather. crossing my fingers tight for something that i'll comment more on tuesday.

Saturday, February 11

more for your money

i swear we do more than eat. i just have no proof. juanita greenberg's nachos. freshberry frozen yogurt. parking tickets. and 3 apartment viewings. we're getting closer, folks.

Thursday, February 2

off day

ever since high school, when i rocked an orange prom dress (i swear it was pretty), i've gravitated towards wearing the color. this dress seemed very teacher appropriate. ya know, even when paired with one of my "what on earth are you thinking?" looks.